The Kenson School of Production Technology (KSPT) is a post-secondary technical school that prepares students for employment within the energy industry. The school was established in 1996 as a subsidiary of the Kenson Group of Companies – a supplier of Operations and Maintenance manpower services to major industry players. As such the school is able to harness relevant up-to-date information on a real-time basis to deliver a wide range of technical programmes to its candidates, which include secondary school graduates or adults who wish to transition from other industries to the oil and gas industry.
KSPTL has been registered with the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) since 2009 and has since forged a growth path; building on a practical based approach to competency development, and emphasizing quality delivery and a student-centric culture while maintaining its close association and international affiliations to enhance student learning and development.