
Dear All,

In efforts to contain the spread of the Coronavirus, the Prime Minister has declared that all schools are to remain closed until further notice. In keeping with this decree, Kenson School of Production Technology will remain closed and the following changes will be implemented:


1. Effective Wednesday 18th March, 2020, all staff will be working primarily from remote locations.

2. An alternative office phone number has been created to facilitate phone calls; this number is 868-688-8659.

3. Other modes of communication to the KSPT office include emails to info@kspt.edu.tt and direct messages to the school’s Facebook and Instagram pages (@kensonschool).

4. Visits to the KSPT office for any reason must be done via appointment only. Appointments can be made via phone calls to 868-688-8659.

5. To make payments, you can use the following methods:

  • Online banking and Direct Deposit. For bank account information, please send an email to info@kspt.edu.tt
  • Linx, Credit Card or Certified Cheques. To make payments via this method, appointments should be made via phone calls to 868-688-8659.

6. Hours of operation remain the same – Mondays to Fridays, between the hours of 8am and 4pm (except for public holidays).


1. Registration for our March intake will continue ONLINE until March 20th, 2020

2. Registration can be done by:

    • Emailing scanned copies of the application form and academic certificates to info@kspt.edu.tt, or
    • Filling out the application form online. Link to the online form: https://tinyurl.com/w8hs2nw

3. The application fee of $100.00 can be paid using the payment methods outlined above.

4. Student Orientation has been postponed until further notice.


1. Examinations have been rescheduled until further notice in light of the Prime Minister’s decision to close all educational institutions until April 20th, 2020. However, it should be noted that this is a tentative schedule as our operations must align with the instructions set forth by the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Education.

2. Classes will resume under advisement from the Prime Minister.

3. Students are advised to check student emails regularly for school updates.

To stay connected with us, follow our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram) @kensonschool.

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