Stevin Ramkissoon
Course of Study: Process Technician Diploma (PT) Cohort 53
As a past and current student, my experience at Kenson School of Production Technology Ltd. (KSPTL) has been enjoyable one. KSPTL offered a very friendly learning environment which encouraged my growth in tertiary education. During the Covid-19 pandemic, KSPTL has not only been able to adapt to meet the needs of the students, the institution has also effectively delivered each class session in an informative and accurate manner. My lecturer has been able to make a smooth transition from the classroom to an online environment and I must commend him. He truly is as experienced as he is knowledgeable.
I have successfully completed my advanced diploma, and I am currently enrolled in KSPTL’s Offshore Production Operations Training (OPOT) programme. The knowledge gained on completion of Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma – Process Technician has allowed me to better understand my role as a process operator in the oil and gas industry, and together with the information gained from the OPOT programme, I believe I will be a more competent operator in my field.